Exhibition time: 17-19 March, 2025 Shanghai, China
You have a beautiful well-groomed cottage. And then one day you suddenly notice with horror that some of your green Pets begin to wither — their leaves become unnatural blue-purple color, and the harvest leaves much to be desired… these signs suggest that they are experiencing a significant lack of phosphorus. Urgently run to the nearest store for an ambulance-phosphorus fertilizers.
A little about phosphorus
All types of phosphate fertilizers are obtained from natural minerals formed during the mineralization of animal skeletons, as well as from slag (slag-which is formed during the processing of iron ores). In nature, phosphorus is practically not found in free form, but is a part of many organic substances and minerals in the form of oxide.
Absolutely all plants need phosphorus. Although its natural content in the soil is not more than 1 %, and easily accessible to plants phosphorus compounds and even less, phosphorus is vital for the nutrition of plants. Especially-for seedlings, because it provides energy phosphorus processes in the cellular system of plants. And to receive it in a different way than from our caring hands, country plants simply do not know how.
What is superphosphate?
Now on sale there are a variety of phosphate fertilizers, the first place among which is rightfully occupied by superphosphate.
Superphosphate is a mineral phosphate fertilizer, which also contains a lot of useful microelements for plants: sulfur, magnesium, calcium and others. Superphosphate acts on plants in several directions: improves metabolism, increases productivity and improves crop quality, improves the development of the root system, accelerates the development and flowering of plants. In addition, phosphate fertilizer saves our plants from a variety of different diseases.
Types of superphosphate
There are several types: simple, double, powdered, granular. What to choose? Let’s try to understand.
Simple superphosphate
Simple superphosphate is a non-concentrated water-soluble phosphorus (16-20 %) fertilizer containing sulfur (8-10 %), magnesium (0.5 %) and calcium (8-12 %). Available as a powder and in the form of granules. Simple superphosphate is suitable for use on all types of soils; promotes excellent growth of plants that consume a lot of sulfur: legumes, cereals, cruciferous. Feeding simple superphosphate well perceive potatoes, beets, turnips, radishes, carrots, flax, bulbs and so on.
Methods of application:
the main part is desirable to make in the autumn (spring), the depth of tillage (April, September);
when sowing or planting (preferably granular) – in holes, grooves, pits (May);
as feedings (June, July, August).
Double superphosphate
Double superphosphate-concentrated water-soluble phosphorus fertilizer. Contains 43-46 % phosphorus in easily digestible form for plants. The composition contains (in small quantities): calcium sulfate, aluminum and iron phosphates and others. Like simple superphosphate, it is suitable for all types of soil and all plants.
Methods of application:
Similar to a simple superphosphate. Introduced during digging in the fall or early spring, so that phosphorus has time to assimilate into the soil. In addition, an aqueous solution of double superphosphate 1-2 times a season is recommended to water the plants, which is not enough phosphorus.
Dosage of superphosphate
The dosage of superphosphate depends not only on the type of plant, but also on the quality of the soil. For example, for vegetables and herbs it is recommended to make from 30 to 40 g of double superphosphate per 1 m² of soil. Simple, respectively, is made twice as much. If the soil is poor, the fertilizer dosage should be increased by 20-30%. Under the fruit trees are usually 500-600 g of double superphosphate in the autumn, for greenhouses-90-100 g, and when planting potatoes-3-4 g in the hole.
Superphosphate cannot dig with the soil, but simply evenly spread over the landing area, strictly observing the dosage (indicated on the package).
Application of superphosphate
Superphosphate is suitable for use on all types of soils and for all crops. But on acidic soils it is difficult for plants, so it should be deoxidized with lime or ash: make 200 g of ash or 0.5 kg of lime per 1 m². Remember that superphosphate can be applied to the soil not earlier than a month after deoxidation, otherwise it will lose most of its useful properties.
Superphosphate is introduced into the soil before sowing plants during digging, filled directly into the wells (rows) immediately before planting, used as fertilizing. The proportion for different garden crops see on the package.
When working with superphosphate remember a simple axiom: never mix it with carbamide, lime, ammonium nitrate and chalk.
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