Exhibition time: 17-19 March, 2025 Shanghai, China
Boron is essential for all plant growth
Research in vegetable nutrition and physiology has shown that boron is the key element in several plant growth processes affecting quality.
Boron (B) fertilization has dramatically reduced several common nutritional disorders such as brown-heart, canker, and low fruit
set that affects quality and market value. Boron is essential for normal growth and production of sound, healthy vegetables.
Boron has been linked with:
• Initiation and development of growing points
• Movement of sugars and starches to developing parts
• Movement of nutrient elements within the plant
• Formation of plant hormones affecting growth
• Root growth and health of fleshy roots
• Flower and fruit set
• Vegetable quality and flavor
How much boron is enough?
• A wide range of vegetable crops responds to boron fertilization with increased yields and quality. Most universities recommend boron in vegetable fertilization programs to ensure that this essential element will not be a limiting factor.
• Boron demand is high in some vegetable crops and low in others. Standard ranges of boron fertilization are normally recommended to meet specific vegetable crop needs under average local conditions.
• Boron rates depend on soil test and/or plant analyses, field history, production goals, and application method.
From U.S.Borax