Exhibition time: 17-19 March, 2025 Shanghai, China
Key words of the passage: biostimulants; farmers; product; market
The current global biostimulants market is estimated to be valued at $3 billion a year, with a projected annual growth rate of 12-15%.3,6 However, the variety of the products used, lack of common nomenclature and complicated regulatory process make it difficult to identify the true market size. Humic substances and seaweed extracts currently lead the market, representing more than 50%, but other products like amino acids and microbials are gaining importance within the industry. In most countries, biostimulants are not required to be registered, causing consumer skepticism due to the lack of regulation. The need for more research to provide clearer guidance to farmers on which biostimulants prove most beneficial to specific crops in varied soil and climatic conditions is gaining importance, as well as how different growing practices impact product performance. Additionally, the industry shift toward more sustainable options underscores the value of biostimulants to positively influence holistic agriculture and promote organic practices.
Source: AgroPages