Exhibition time: 17-19 March, 2025 Shanghai, China
DominiSolo has registered the first Brazilian biofertilizer made from amino acids through enzymatic hydrolysis with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA).
According to the manufacturer, the two formulations, ZIMATIC FS and ZIMATIC CL [active ingredients: L-amino acids (levorotatory form), liquid nitrogen, and organic carbon], were registered "after years of development work and testing." The biofertilizer was developed through scientific research in partnership with the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR).
To achieve this unique registration, the company conducted agronomic tests in various Brazilian regions to evaluate its biofertilizers' efficacy under actual cultivation conditions. ″The trials demonstrated field efficacy and a productivity increase of up to 22% in soybean plantations, among other positive results,″ the Brazilian company stated. One of the positive outcomes included reduced damage caused by abiotic stress, particularly water scarcity, and increased vegetative growth. Additionally, DominiSolo highlighted ″improved metabolism, with an increase in important enzymes and compounds related to photosynthesis and productivity.″
″These research results showed significant increases in productivity compared to conventional plant nutrition methods and other physiological products available on the market,″ they affirmed.
To navigate the regulatory process, DominiSolo partnered with 5P2R Marketing de Precisão, a consultancy specializing in agribusiness and special nutrition. The consultancy developed a detailed technical-scientific and regulatory plan, which included analyzing the production process, studying legal and regulatory requirements, and identifying research institutions capable of conducting the necessary studies for obtaining registration.
Anderson Nora Ribeiro, agronomist and co-founder of the consultancy, reported that the project was quite challenging, as the process had no prior history in the country. Additionally, the legislation regulating biofertilizers in Brazil is recent, dating back to 2020, with few products formally registered in this category.
These products are natural, organic-based, and beneficially influence plant metabolism, leading to growth, tolerance, and better recovery from environmental stresses, and increased productivity or quality of the harvests. These benefits are provided not by nutrients but by the organic compounds contained in the formulations.
Thus, over several months, UTFPR conducted scientific research to obtain the necessary data and results to support the registration application. These efforts included laboratory analyses, biochemical tests, agronomic trials in controlled growth chambers, and greenhouse studies.
″All studies were conducted with the highest scientific control to prove the bioactivity of the organic molecules in the tested plants,″ DominiSolo stated.
Alexandre Antônio Costa, researcher and agronomist responsible for another trial, noted that beyond productivity, there was ″an improvement in plant stature, an increase in root mass, greater stability in pod set, a higher number of pods per plant, and increased grain weight.″ He believes there is substantial ″potential to improve crop productivity, reduce dependence on chemical inputs, and contribute to more sustainable agriculture.″
Antônio Teodoro de Oliveira, a soybean farmer from Campo Mourão (PR), also observed improvements in the field by applying ZIMATIC FS, particularly in productivity, with an increase of 5.77 sacks per hectare.
″The plants had a higher number of pods than the standard treatment on the farm. We achieved quicker crop closure, more resilient plants enduring drought and high temperatures more efficiently than the standard area. Additionally, I noticed a change in the soybean plant's coloration to a darker green and quicker crop closure, helping suppress weeds,″ he explained.
For consultant Anderson Nora Ribeiro, ZIMATIC's results are consistent: ″The laboratory analyses, biochemical tests, agronomic trials in greenhouses, and scientific fieldwork confirm the solutions as a significant innovation for the market. Having worked with several similar products and participated in the registration process of the first biofertilizer in Brazil, the consistency of ZIMATIC's results and the scale of the gains are striking,″ he emphasized.
With this new category of formally registered biofertilizers, companies can quickly include enzymatic hydrolysis biofertilizers in their portfolios. DominiSolo is a raw material producer focused exclusively on serving the industry.
″Whether as a pure product or an ingredient in their fertilizer formulations, making the appropriate content declaration and using scientific and technical arguments with total security and support,″ explained Diogo Ribeiro, Business Development Director at DominiSol.