Exhibition time: 17-19 March, 2025 Shanghai, China
Editor’s Note:″Acadian Plant Health is working on new product offerings that include novel patented products that deliver best-in-class performance. Our aim is to revolutionize the industry with new formulations that target and resolve specific agricultural issues. This approach will fully harness the potential of powerful biological materials to address some of agriculture's most critical challenges,″ said James Maude, Senior Vice President, Acadian Plant Health™ in a recent interview with AgroPages.
James Maude also shared his views on Acadian Plant Health's core competition, biostimulants and their application in different scenarios, mixture challenges and countermeasures, major markets and operational strategies, strategic measures to promote sustainable agricultural development, as well as future development plans etc.
Could you describe the market landscape of the seaweed extract Ascophyllum nodosum as a biostimulant? What are the drivers, challenges, and trends of the development of it?
The global seaweed extracts biostimulant market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.1%. This is driven by increasing demand for sustainable products and the need for higher agricultural productivity. Environmental sustainability and the numerous benefits of seaweed extracts, such as improved soil health and stress resistance, further propel the global seaweed extracts biostimulant market.
More recently the seaweed extracts biostimulant market has witnessed significant technological advancements that enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of biostimulant products. Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed-based extracts, rich in bioactive compounds like polysaccharides, phytohormones, and antioxidants, have become vital in promoting plant growth, improving stress resistance, and enhancing soil health. As agricultural practices evolve to meet the demands of a growing population and environmental sustainability, the integration of advanced technologies in the seaweed extracts biostimulant market is crucial.
Can you introduce the core competition of Acadian’s biostimulant, especially the innovative aspects of the unique extraction process?
Acadian Plant Health distinguishes itself from many other biostimulant companies in several key areas:
-We utilize the most potent seaweed species, Ascophyllum nodosum grown in extreme conditions in the North Atlantic tidal zone. Extracts from other algal species are chemically different and do not necessarily provide the level of bioactive compounds needed for a quality agricultural product
-We are vertically integrated from our seaweed-owning harvesting license through to our technology development and are completely self-sufficient. We have scientists located on the ocean to ensure a sustainable harvest.
-Our proprietary extraction process, refined over 40 years, enables us to release and preserve essential bioactive compounds
-Our product consistency is backed by rigorous quality control and remains consistent in its quality no matter the location we harvest or the time of year we harvest
-Our extracts exhibit high bioactivity with elevated levels of critical bioactive compounds
-Additionally, our biostimulant technology enhances soil health for regenerative agriculture and mitigates crop stress in climate-smart farming practices. Seaweed is a regenerative resource that provides a sustainable supply without removing resources from the planet.
Most importantly, we are built to serve the crop protection, biostimulant, and fertilizer industries with our unique organizational structure of crop input professionals and scientists – who all understand the standards within these industries.
Can you please introduce the Acadian's biostimulants and their application situations on different crops and in different scenarios and performances? What new application scenarios are expected to be extended in the future?
their ability to revolutionize sustainable agriculture, is something Acadian Plant Health™ has integrated into our portfolio development.
Acadian’s BioSwitch™ technology utilizes the seaweed species Ascophyllum nodosum. Acadian’s unique biochemical compositions, with seed treatment formulation design, are proving their worth in global trials as seed treatments for crops from Wheat to Soy to Corn. Developing seaweed seed treatment plus other synergistic compounds is also underway. ″We already see the benefits of Ascophyllum nodosum as a seed treatment and have also formulated an ‘Asco Plus’ seed treatment that can further boost these effects,″ says Dr. Holly Little, R&D Director, Acadian Plant Health.
Successful seedling establishment is vital for the overall health and productivity of a crop. These biostimulant seed treatments play a pivotal role in this phase by fueling root development. By facilitating nutrient uptake and water absorption, these treatments ensure the seedlings have the necessary resources for healthy growth. As a result, plants can better withstand environmental stresses, including nutrient deficiencies and drought, promoting higher survival rates and optimal early growth.
Can you talk about the applications of Acadian's biostimulants in soil health, regenerative agriculture, and climate-smart agriculture?
Our biostimulants represent a promising tool in the pursuit of regenerative and climate-smart agriculture.
There are many definitions for regenerative agriculture. At the core of them all is repairing, rebuilding, revitalizing, and restoring the ecosystem of the soil. Improving soil health will increase our ability to grow healthy, productive crops and resiliency for generations. Extensive research has shown that soil health is nurtured by encouraging soil’s complex web of microbial life. Due to their proximity to plant roots, soil microbes directly influence plant growth, health, and productivity. One of the most important groups of microbes found in the rhizosphere are arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) which colonize more than 80% of land plants, including agricultural crops.
A growing body of evidence indicates that applications of our Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed-based biostimulants broadly influence the structure and activity of microbial communities in the rhizosphere, increasing rhizosphere activity, biodiversity, and metabolic activity. Research into the influence of seaweed extracts on specific microbes, such as AMF, and the influence on their interactions with plants, has been limited. However, a recent study published in Nature Scientific Reports titled Alkaline extraction of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum stimulates arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their endomycorrhization of plant roots explored this interaction and found that Acadian Plant Health’s seaweed extract improved growth and symbiosis of AMF through multiple mechanisms.
Additionally, the increase in plant health that occurs with the application of Acadian’s biostimulant has shown an increase in the root biomass of the plant. Carbon derived from roots during growth and then as root residues play a critical role in increasing soil organic carbon.
Concerning stress tolerance, climate change brings about more frequent and intense crop stresses such as drought, salinity, and extreme temperatures. Acadian’s biostimulants help plants cope with these challenges by strengthening their natural defense mechanisms and improving resilience to these adverse conditions. ″We have been able to study the effect of our technology, BioSwitch™, on plants experiencing heat stress. With our unique extraction process, we are able to liberate numerous bioactive compounds such as mannitol, polysaccharides, and betaines. These compounds have shown to improve plant tolerance to stressful growing conditions, including, but not limited to, heat stress and drought,″ says Dr. Holly Little.
Integrating these substances into farming practices can contribute to sustainable food production, repairing biodiversity, environmental conservation, and the resilience of agricultural systems. As we look towards the future, harnessing the power of biostimulants may well be a key strategy in building a more climate-smart and sustainable agricultural landscape.
Usually, biostimulants were used in combination with crop protection or crop nutrition products. What are the challenges and solutions of the combination?
Crop protection and fertilizer products are often used to remedy a problem. Treating a pest after it reaches an economic threshold, for example, or applying a certain fertilizer when a plant tissue test says it is low. While biostimulants certainly can be used for recovery from stress or damage, they are often best used to prevent damage from abiotic stress, which means they need to be applied in anticipation of the stress or to stimulate plant health and vigor. In the field it is much easier to see the effect of crop protection- dead pests or weeds are very noticeable. It can be more difficult with biostimulants. If there is no untreated area, increases in growth or vigor are difficult to see. We combat these challenges by understanding the mode of action and effects of our products at a very technical level. This allows us to make effective recommendations, even when the plant’s response is difficult to visualize. We often recommend applications made in conjunction with nutrition or crop protection as these timings are often key crop stages for biostimulants as well. By understanding the mode of action and benefits by crop in the field, we can make these recommendations with confidence and ensure that they will provide a benefit to the grower.
What markets does Acadian mainly focus on? What are your plans and actions for expanding into emerging markets? What specific measures has the company taken to actively seek partnerships?
We are a global company and sell products in over 80 countries. Europe, Latin America and Asia are adopting biostimulation technology in their agronomy plans. Individual countries like the UK now recognize sustainable agriculture and provide subsidies for adoption and broader support in EU with a new biostimulant registration directive. And now we see North America taking more interest in sustainable agriculture. This is a critical change that we are fully supportive of and will look to develop the market. We continue to invest in these regions providing a wider range of seaweed extract biostimulant products to drive the market's expansion. In addition, our R&D and the modernization of seaweed extract products in these markets have opened up more business potential for Acadian Plant Health – further influenced by the rising need for sustainable agriculture.
In collaboration with our strategic partners, we are developing high-value crop productivity technologies that transform agricultural inputs from peripheral add-ons into essential components of sustainable farming.
Can you tell us about Acadian’s development in the Chinese market? What has Acadian done in terms of localization? Compared to other regional markets, what are the biggest challenges and solutions in promoting your company’s biostimulants in the Chinese market? What do you think of the development opportunities in the Chinese biostimulant market?
The biostimulant market in China is focused mainly on vegetables and fruits, however, Acadian has initiated plans to extend usage in field crops such as Rice, Wheat, Corn, Peanuts, and Cotton in the last few years. Growers have started realizing the benefits of biostimulants particularly due to inconsistent and changing weather patterns and resultant abiotic stress impact on the field crops in the last couple of years. We continue to collaborate with partners to develop tailor-made solutions and novel formulations that optimize our seaweed extracts for increased abiotic stress management and soil health.
We see a tremendous opportunity to work with the fertilizer industry to accelerate the introduction of technology to integrate Ascophyllum nodosum along with chemical fertilizer for improving soil health. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and their impact on soil health is identified as a major challenge by the Ministry of Agriculture which promulgated an action plan to achieve zero growth for chemical fertilizer. There is an emphasis on encouraging the development of efficient and eco-friendly advanced fertilizers with bulk blending of chemical fertilizers with biostimulants like seaweed, amino acid, and humic acids to improve soil health.
Another area where we see high potential in China is seed treatment. The use of ‘Asco Plus’ technology will resolve several abiotic stress factors faced by growers during the early establishment of crops. We look forward to collaborating with partners to bring this technology to China in the near future.
What strategic measures has your company taken to promote sustainable agricultural development? Such as becoming a GLOBALG.A.P. community member, joining the Global Seaweed Coalition, and the '4 Per 1000' Initiative.
The main strategic goal we have is to transform the biostimulant industry by bringing new innovations to the market that truly deliver on the next level of performance. We intend to lead this needed investment and create new standards.
Officially becoming a GLOBALG.A.P. community member means we are advancing the principles of safe, socially, and environmentally responsible farming practices around the globe through collaboration, exchange, and dialogue. We intend to contribute to agriculture industry standards and work alongside like-minded stakeholders towards environmental objectives with the company’s regenerative seaweed-based extracts, which can more sustainably improve crop farming in the future.
The Global Seaweed Coalition aims to tackle the need for a safe and sustainable food source for a growing population. At Acadian Plant Health, we see incredible value in the Global Seaweed Coalition’s work and are proud to partner with them to advance the seaweed industry. We are dedicated to responsible and sustainable seaweed harvesting, cultivation, and extraction, and believe seaweed-based solutions can play an important role in sustainable agriculture and food security worldwide. This alignment of our goals makes us natural partners.
The 4 per 1000 initiative aims to raise awareness of soil's potential to mitigate climate change by increasing the amount of carbon stored in soil. Its name comes from the theoretical calculation that an increase of 0,4% of carbon in the soil every year will help stop the increase of CO2 that is accumulating in our atmosphere from anthropogenic emissions. Joining the global ‘4 per 1000’ initiative is a recognition of the need for public and private collaboration to solve soil health challenges.
We are proud to leverage our global scale and industry-leading biostimulant solutions to work alongside experts across the world to drive forward new agricultural solutions.
What new opportunities do you see in the current market situation going forward? What’s the development plan of your company in the next 3-5 years?
Acadian Plant Health is working on different product offerings that solve problems for growers. This includes novel patented products that deliver best-in-class performance.
We aim to revolutionize the industry with new formulations that target and resolve specific agricultural issues. This approach allows us to fully harness the potential of powerful biological materials to address some of agriculture's most critical challenges.