Exhibition time: 17-19 March, 2025 Shanghai, China
Dated 11th Nov., 2020 in Chongqing China, Monband held new product launching. The conference was the second term of Seminar on Agricultural Applications of Silicon Solubilizing Bacteria and new fertilizer Aryabahattai bacillus launching.
The sponsor invited many specialist and professor to participate, this new product appealed attention of most medias and press in fertilizer industry. The conference took perfect success, it was a significant step of silicon fertilizer development in China.
The opening speech was finished by Mr. Zhang Huzhu, the Deputy General Secretary of CATEA
(China Agro-technological Extension Association).
Mr. Zhang cleared the topics of the conference:
The Gov. Policy on fertilizer industry.
The most new technique on fertilizer development.
The model of cooperation for win-win business.
New product launching and marketing project.
Mr. Zhang also analyzed the conditions of fertilizer product homogeneity and service homogeneity. At the same time appealed for diversification in market. Hebei Monband Water Soluble Fertilizer Company took a significant step on product varieties. Took widely cooperation with collage research center and specialist native and broad on product study.Took ECO conception in product studying, for a sustainable development.
After that Mr. Guo Xinglong the Chairman of Hebei Monband Water Soluble Fertilizer Co.,LTD marked speech. He introduced the company development in first 10 years, and shared the project how will the company do in the second 10 years. In first 10 years, Monband took the chance of water soluble fertilizer beginning and developing in China. Took big market share in water soluble fertilizer. Took big market share. In the following years, Monband will also leaded tendency. To combine the water soluble fertilizer and bacteria fertilizer, develop a new mode of product.
The new product was researched and testing for 2 years. Its launching and applying based on large quantity research report and more than 460 times field trails on 29 different plants. The team tested all over China in 28 provinces and 123 counties. Finally finished more than 70 pieces of professional testing reports. More field trails are still proceeding. The Aryabhattai bacillus took patents at SIPO and also applied at PCT, in U.S.A. and Japan. At the same time, Monband would keep sound cooperation with college research centers and professors on more projects. Innovating on R&C, improving on high tech was the only route of company development.
For this event, Monband’s business cooperators sent video to celebrate success of new product launching, and share the experience of business, service and cooperative R&D. They expressed high confidence on new product and high business reputation of Monband.
Professor Li Shaojie, researcher of microbiology from Chinese Academy of Sciences, marked speech-the key role of microorganisms in Chinese agriculture. The speech concentrated on applying theory of microorganisms in crop pest control, the microorganisms action on crop growing, and analysis on the problem of present fertilizers in market. In the control of fungal diseases, microorganism performances well. He specified different kinds of microorganisms’ advantage and disadvantage. But also pointed limits during commercialization of microorganisms fertilizer.
Professor Liang Yongchao from Zhejiang University shares the development of silicon fertilizer both native and abroad. He reckoned the silicon element effect on improving plants resistance, fruit quality and yield, and prolonging shelf life. Silicon fertilizer will be invested as potential market.
Due to COVID-19 professor Kang Yaowei can not come to the conference. As the chief expert at Ministry of Agriculture Microbial fertilizer and rhizobia research and development, and also as the chief expert on Aryabahattai bacillus R&C. He participated via. video presentation. The R&C team devoted to selecting one or a class of bacillus strain, which should be unique, versatile and solubilized silica strongly. The selection was among 34 soil samples from 16 counties in 10 provinces in China. Among samples there obtained more than 20,000 bacillus strains, found 34 new generas and selected 206 bacillus strains with method of Enrichment Plate High-Throughput ( So far, MONBAND has the world's largest library of silica solubilizing microbial strains ). After confirmation, most of the stains were never reported before on its silica solubilizing ability. Instantly the team do a lot of safety experiments on 206 bacillus strains. Like high temperature resistance, salt resistance, acid and alkali resistance, hemolysis safety, and testing like survival rate after mixing with the popular crop protection products, sporulation rate, stimulation of crop root growth and so on. Finally there came out one outstanding strain No. MB35-5, that is Bacillus Aryabhattai launching today. This was a big success, marked China is leading on microbial silicon fertilizer wold wide.
Mr. Wu Guangli the vice manager of Monband introduced new tech on Aryabhattai series product. The bacillus advanced the silicon weathering work, solubilized the silica ore in soil into silicon acid, which was a nutrient can be absorbed by plant directly.This filled the blank of biodegradation of silicon.
Then Mr. Meng Guoming, Vice manager of Monband reported the marketing project on 4 products. And introduced product functions and aim market separately. The products embraced area of high value commercial plants, regular commercial plants and field crops. At the same time, he emphasized products advantages on R&D ability, marketing team, brand power and distribution channel.
Monband’s close partner professor Mu Juanwei, Mr. Dou Dawei and Mr. Qu Lijun shared the results of field trails.
Mr. Wang Xiaojun, manager of technical department shared the field trial data of Aryabhattai family products. And Doctor Liu Yihong PhD in Biological Application introduced the silicon fertilizer condition world wide.
In the end of conference the dealer club for Aryabhattai family product took opening ceremony.