Exhibition time: 17-19 March, 2025 Shanghai, China
Key words of the passage: ammonium sulfate; fertilizer; advantage; produce
Ammonium sulfate fertilizer was one of the first and widely-used nitrogen fertilizers used for crop production. It isn’t as common today as it was in the past, but it is still a valuable commodity in regions where the soil lacks enough sulfur and nitrogen to provide a growing foundation. This product offers a high solubility rate that offers versatility for several agricultural applications.
Producers have made ammonium sulfate fertilizer for over 150 years to help with the agricultural industries around the world. The first processes involved the release of ammonia during coal gas manufacturing or coal coke when producing steel. Now it comes from a reaction of sulfuric acid with heated ammonia. Reaction conditions get controlled by screening and drying the particles to form the best crystals possible.
1. It replaces the soil nutrients that don’t exist in some regions.
Chemical fertilizers have become a critically important resource for the agricultural sector because this product helps to replace soil nutrients. If croplands have deficiencies or marginal health, then ammonium sulfate fertilizer can contribute to increases in crop production and higher yields. When farmers in western Canada introduced this product to their fields, production levels rows by up to 60% each year.
2. This fertilizer improves the levels of organic residue returning to the soil.
When a product like ammonium sulfate fertilizer can improve the health of local soil, then the increased crop production that results can improve the amount of residue and root biomass that exists locally. There are direct benefits occurring every time an increase in soil organic matter happens after a growing season. That means an increase in the levels of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur are possible.
3. Ammonium sulfate fertilizer is affordable for the average grower.
The price of ammonium sulfate fertilizer is one of the primary reasons why some growers prefer to use this chemical product. Synthetic items are typically cheaper than organic ones. There is better accessibility for this item in most farming areas, and you can even tend to a small garden with it since small bags and buckets are often available at garden supply stores. By keeping your costs down when preparing your fields, it becomes possible to increase your profit margin on each item grown.
4. It provides fast results.
When you decide to use ammonium sulfate fertilizer, then you will not need to wait for several weeks or months before you start to see positive results. Once you apply the product to the soil, the improvements in your plants will happen within days. Chemical fertilizers like this one release nutrients at a much faster rate than organic products.
5. This fertilizer follows standardized labeling practices and rations.
When you choose to use an ammonium sulfate fertilizer, then you’ll see the nutrient ratios of the product clearly defined on the label of your bag or bucket. This advantage reduces the risk of over-fertilizing a garden or cropland. Although organic items might be healthier in the long-term for many fields, there is a higher risk of applying too much product – and that could result in plant death.
6. The product has multiple uses that fall outside of the fertilizer spectrum.
Ammonium sulfate is a highly adaptable product that serves multiple functions in our society today. Some food companies like to add this item to bread because it works well as a dough conditioner. It is also a common component in fire extinguisher powders and flame-proofing agents. If you have items with a robust fire-resistance rating, then there is an excellent chance that one of the ingredients used in the manufacturing of that product is this item.
7. It can act as a disinfecting agent.
Some municipalities like to use ammonium sulfate with chlorine as a way to generate an item called monochloramine. That makes the water safe for drinking because it disinfects the fluid effectively. It can also be useful in the preparation of some salts like ammonium persulfate. It is also a common ingredient that gets listed on many vaccines in the United States.
Source: Greengarageblog.org