Exhibition time: 17-19 March, 2025 Shanghai, China
The Argentine government has announced that all phytosanitary and bioinput procedures are now centralized through SIGTrámites.
This fully digital platform aims to streamline, facilitate, and transparently communicate user procedures and prior requests.
Argentina's National Food Safety and Quality Service (Senasa) emphasized that SIGTrámites will serve as the centralizing channel for companies to register their products. According to the government agency, this platform enabled self-management, online payments, process traceability, reduced processing times, database document support, and fluid communication with companies.
Senasa explained that this service is available to register newly formulated phytosanitary products in the agricultural line. It also included registration requests for prioritized items. Additionally, SIGTrámites covered registration requests for bioinputs designed explicitly for plant nutrition.
The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (SAGyP) of Argentina's Ministry of Economy further announced that all previous procedures for bioinputs, fertilizers, and agrochemical products would be conducted through this platform. Management requests previously handled through other means have already been migrated to the new system.
To initiate new registration procedures, modifications, ownership changes, and authorizations linked to the four processing areas — bioinputs, Fertilizers, Phytosanitary Products, and Personnel — users must have login credentials with AFIP, Argentina's Federal Public Revenue Administration.